A Linux operating system console based and manageable through Webmin web-based interface… Although described as a mini server, have all the features of a powerful server such as apache2, sendmail, postfix, spamassassin, clamav, squid, iptables, MailScanner, mysql, cups and lot of other server packages.
SMS also features TorrentFlux, a powerful php based bit torrent client that can be managed from anywhere, making this server not only server administrators interest, but simple users too that want to download torrents safe and secure.
SMS is based on Slackware 14.0 (Since version 2.0.0).
This server runs from a live CD or installed on a hard disk through slackware's text installer.
Sumber : http://girilaya.com/linux/slack-mini-server-2-0-3.html
Download Slack Mini Server
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