Selasa, 10 Desember 2013



My Tribute to Nelson Rohlihlahla Mandela

Posted: 10 Dec 2013 02:27 AM PST

The past three days have been filled with mixed emotions and thoughts about the passing of Mandela and what it is that he has come to represent to the world. I have been irritated at the almost "Father Christmas" portrayal of the Man. I have tried to mellow myself out and remember the man, who along with others, defined my generation and who we became. So today as South Africa gathers in the FNB stadium and I hear people sing those freedom songs that were on our lips as we grew up I took ...

Tips To Increase Twitter Followers Instantly

Posted: 10 Dec 2013 02:07 AM PST

Twitter is one of the greatest social networking and micro-blogging website. By using twitter you can make your thoughts, knowledge and shares go viral by which you can get more twitter followers, more twitter traffic and readership. To get all these benefits, you have to learn correctly that how to improve twitter followers quickly for your business, brand or blog. If you have highly targeted twitter followers then you can easily get twitter traffic to your blog. If you don't know the correct ...

Your posts from blogs, Google+ and Twitter

Posted: 10 Dec 2013 02:02 AM PST

Rebelmouse: Your posts from blogs, Google+ and Twitter Automatically display your social media activity! You can embed single posts or the whole Rebelmouse on your site. RebelMouse is the best Twitter widget; Sign up in seconds to have a beautiful Twitter widget live on your site within minutes. Social Accounts and Feeds you can use: Facebook Twitter Instagram Google+ LinkedIn RSS StockTwits YouTube Twitter Lists Hashtags Tumblr Pinterest Facebook Groups Here is the ...

Websites and Blogs Are Different

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 11:53 PM PST

Blogs Vs. Websies Graphic Websites and Blogs Are Different What is the difference between a blog and a website? "Blog" and "website" are sometimes used interchangeably. They are not, but we wouldn't be as static in our definition as the "Apples" vs. "Oranges" image above. Blogs and websites have important roles to play in successful content and social marketing. Blog is an abbreviation of "Web Log". The idea of creating an online diary become popular in the late 1990s. launched ...

Why A Blog Is A Blog Until It's A Website - How To Tell The Difference & What That's Important

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 11:52 PM PST

Blog and Websites are terms often used interchangeably. Problem is they aren't interchangeable. Blogs have a tough time gaining PageRank due to how they form information (mostly by reverse chronological order). Yes you can make a blog more like a website and creating splash pages and nested navigation (subnav inside of categories) does help overcome some of long term blog #SEO limitations such as poor inbound linking, not enough content density on keywords since reverse chronological publication ...

Google Helpout Pro Tip

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 11:42 PM PST

Helpouts are indexed! Need I say more? I found this on Page 1 position 1 incognito. Look at these reviews! I know +David Kutcher is offering this for free, but what is he gaining? Here are 5 things why you might want to do free Helpouts ⇒ They are Indexed! ⇒ The reviews are incredible and can be used anywhere in your branding (website, marketing materials, landing pages) ⇒ Branding. Get in front of your potential customers and spend a little time getting to know them, give them tons ...

Jual Kotak Sepatu Transparan Ready Stock

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 09:21 PM PST

KOTAK SEPATU TRANSPARAN Cocok Untuk teman - teman yang suka mengoleksi sepatu.. Apakah anda selalu pusing dengan debu yang menempel di sepatu yang disimpan? Atau Selalu bingung mencari sepatu , karena entah disimpan di kotak sepatu yang mana? Anda kini bisa dengan mudah menata sepatu dan merawat mereka. Dan melihatMereka dengan mudah Kotak Sepatu Transparan adalah jawabannya, dan Anda bisa mendapatkannya disini, dengan harga yang kompetitif. TERSEDIA ...

The 4 Easiest Ways to Get More Email Subscribers for Your B2B Blog

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 09:51 AM PST

If B2B companies could only do one marketing activity, it should be blogging. Of course, no company is limited to just one marketing tactic, but blogging should be the marketing hub from which all other activities emanate. One of the biggest benefits of blogging is the impact it has on your website's search engine results. Here's why: each and every post you write gets published as its own, individual, indexed page on your website. If you think of indexable pages as lottery tickets for ...

Increase Website Traffic with SEO, Think Again ?

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 09:49 AM PST

The importance of a powerful SEO campaign is reflected in the traffic of the website promoted, generating visits and possible new clients and sales. But now more than ever it is important to have an SEO plan for your business because the days of promoting a website of business using Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising is no longer economical. If you want to promote your business using a PPC ads from Google, Bing or Yahoo, then think again. Criminals for years had used the ZeroAccess "botnet," ...

Devi Puteri Yolanda, Wanted

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 09:41 AM PST

Permisi Semua Teman-Teman Forum Mohon Bantuannya Telah Hilang Adik Temen Saya Sejak Jum'at 6 Desember 2013 Terakhir Ketemu Waktu Dia Berangkat Ke Sekolah Nama : Devi Puteri Yolanda, Panggilan Puteri 15 Tahun Ciri-Ciri : Rambut Panjang Ikal Mengenakan Baju Seragam Sekolah Bila ada Teman-Teman Yang Tidak Sengaja Bertemu Dengan Puteri (Menemukan) Mohon Untuk Menghubungi Pihak Keluarga Puteri Di : 0813 8688 7185 Novi (Kakak Puteri ) Alamat : jl.baladewa kiri rt 15 rw 03 nmr 11 jakpus ...

YouTube & Google+ Page connection for a business

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 09:39 AM PST

I'm having an issue with YouTube & Google+ Page connection for a business. YouTube automatically created a new Google+ page attached to our YouTube account but we had already setup a Google+ page prior to the google/youtube linking.

Google launches +Post Ads beta to make the next generation of advertising more engaging

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 09:30 AM PST

This is how socially-infused advertising should be done. Content posted by brands on Google+ can now be displayed across the Google Display Network, allowing customers to interact with your brand on thousands of sites across the web. I'll be very interested to see how well this works. As other social networks are trying to find firm footing in the advertising space (most notably Facebook and Twitter), it will be a major victory if Google can successfully connect Google+ to their AdSense / ...

Tembak Anak Kecil, Seorang Mahasiswa PTN Surabaya Diamankan Polisi

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 06:02 AM PST

KEDIRI - Mahardika (20) mahasiswa PTN Surabaya asal Kelurahan Rejomulyo Kota Kediri, diamankan Polisi, karena tanpa sengaja menembak seorang bocah dan terluka di bagian pipi sebelah kirinya. Peristiwa yang terjadi Sabtu (7/12) itu, saat Mahardika latihan menembak dengan sasaran tutup lem tacol yang mengarah ke jalan raya tepatnya Jalan Sunan Giri Kelurahan Rejomulyo Kota Kediri. Karena asyik berlatih menembak, oknum Mahasiswa PTN itu diduga tidak memperhatikan kondisi sekitar. Padahal ...

CLBK ( Cinta Lama Belum Kelar)

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 05:56 AM PST

Apa itu CLBK ? CLBK versi gue adalah; dimana elu masih mencintai seseorang yang dlunya pernah jadi pacar lu, yaaaaa bisa dibilang belum bisa move on. Orang orang yang nggak bisa move on itu adalah orang orang yang mencintai seseorang dengan tulus tetapi mereka mencintai orang yang salah, gue tau benar apa yang orang orang CLBK fikirkan, kadang orang orang ini berfikir dunia itu nggak adil sebenarnya bukan dunia yang nggak adil tapi orang yang berada di dunia itu yang nggak adil, seharusnya orang ...

Tanda-tanda Pria yang Masih Cinta Mantan Kekasihnya

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 05:49 AM PST

1. Sering Mengomentari atau Memberi 'Like' Pada Status Facebook Seringkali pria malu menyatakan perasaannya. Dibandingkan bahasa verbal, mereka lebih suka menunjukkan tanda-tanda. Situs jejaring sosial pun kini bisa dijadikan media untuk mengekspresikan rasa suka. Jika sang mantan sering memberi 'like' dan mengomentari status atau foto Anda di Facebook atau me-retweet Twitter Anda, merupakan pertanda bahwa dia masih memerhatikan dan berusaha menunjukkan perhatiannya itu pada Anda. 2. Suka ...

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